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Lucy Lambert is a jazz pianist, singer, writer, artist, model, and witch living in Vancouver and touring internationally.


Lucy began modeling at 17 years old for drawing and painting courses in Vancouver, while training intensively as a dancer. Her passion for dance, movement and figurative art lead her to pursue the performance of a fine arts model, while attending life drawing schools. She quickly began modeling full time for animation and painting schools in Vancouver in her late teens. She modeled regularly at Basic Inquiry, Capilano university’s animation school, Syn Studio, Mandi Boursicot’s classical atelier, film schools, and for the works of many private painting courses. This allowed her to pursue her passion for expressing herself through movement and performance, while keeping her close to her passion for figurative art and a fascination with the human form. Her presence in many private arts workshops as an artist’s model also aided in her education as a figurative artist.


She received her BFA in painting & drawing from Concordia University in Montreal, and has studied classical  and figurative art through intensives at classical  painting ateliers, as well as 10+ years of experience working as a life drawing model. She now runs a painting studio at 99 Chabanel in Montreal, and is completing a 300 page book. She has a consistent writing practice through the journals and illustrated diaries she has kept all her life while traveling the world as a musical performer and artist. Her writing is often philosophical and spiritual insights, and adventure stories.


She has exhibited her artwork both nationally, in exhibitions throughout Montreal, and internationally, selling her artwork as she travelled throughout Europe, Scotland and Ireland. She now works as an oil painter and illustrator for her stories and poems, as well as producing her bands albums and performing as a jazz musician and video producer. Her artwork often explores themes of sexuality, embodiment, taboo, animism, spirituality and trauma, social justice and animal rights.


As both a professional artist and a performer, her passion for being both in front and behind the camera (or easel) inform one another in her works as an artist, video producer and a model/musician.


As a very spiritual person, with a yoga and ceremonial witchcraft/tarot practice for over fifteen years, she believes in art as a healing spiritual practice, and as a way to bring attention to the injustices in the world today. Her natural sensitivity to the beauty in nature, the cycles of the moon and seasons, astrology and celestial events, and the poetry and synchronicity in the human world is a constant source of inspiration and is the greatest teacher for her as an artist across all media. 


Painting, drawing, and music are ways for her to communicate her own experiences with fate, spirits, magic, witchcraft, and psychic phenomena, and hopes to encourage others through her art to deepen their sensitivity and live their lives with compassion, morality, grace, and courage.

See music page for music bio.


Lucy Lambert est une peintre, musicienne, écrivaine et sorcière qui travaille et se produit entre Montréal/Tio'tia:ke et les territoires salish de la côte non cédés connus sous le nom de Vancouver.


Elle a obtenu son BFA en peinture et dessin de l'Université Concordia et a étudié l'art classique et figuratif à travers des stages intensifs dans des ateliers de peinture classique, ainsi que plus de 10 ans d'expérience en tant que modèle de dessin de vie. Elle dirige maintenant un atelier de peinture au 99 Chabanel à Montréal et termine un livre de 300 pages.


Elle a exposé ses œuvres à l'échelle nationale et internationale et travaille comme peintre à l'huile sur commande. Ses œuvres explorent souvent les thèmes de la sexualité, de l'incarnation, de l'animisme, de la spiritualité et des traumatismes, de la justice sociale et des droits des animaux.

Elle utilise la peinture, le dessin et la musique comme moyens de communiquer ses propres expériences avec le destin, les esprits, la magie, la sorcellerie et les phénomènes psychiques, et espère encourager les autres à travers son art à renforcer leur croyance en plus que le monde physique. Elle pratique la magie rituelle, le yoga et la sorcellerie qui influencent constamment son art, sa musique et son écriture.



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